Ten Common Website Design Mistakes On Photography Sites

At the end of the year, I always spend time looking through my marketing materials and make changes for the coming year. If you’ve created a site months, or even years ago, its time for you to take a second look. shopper

When you look at your own site, you look at it through your eyes. You know what you do. You know what you offer. But does your client? When they enter your site, can they navigate around and get exactly what they are looking for?

Take a look at these 10 common design mistakes, and take a second look at your own site.

1. The Home Page Website. Do you look at your home page as your front door? Think again. If people are finding your site through search engines and referrals, they are just as likely to enter on one of your other pages. Is every page welcoming?

2. Poor design. Maybe you’ve fallen in love with a particular look. A ton of photographers love the Flash presentation sites. But is it the most beneficial? Do you stand out from your competition? Or do you look like all the rest, with only a color and name change? It’s good to have your visitors say WOW.

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