The Middle Class Photography Studio Is Dead … Are You Still Running One?

Here in the US, we’re in the last minute race between two candidates that will attempt to steer our country towards a brighter tomorrow. And while the issues are flying high, with each side accusing and trying to explain why they are the only true leader for the job, only one thing is for sure: the middle class as we know it is quickly dying away.

Nope, I’m not going to get political here.  But I do think it’s important to watch what’s happening and base your own decisions off of the trends that are happening. That’s what I’ve done my entire life, and it’s how I ended up where I am today.

I grew up firmly planted in middle class America. Nice house in the suburbs. Dad made a good living. Mom stayed at home with the kids. New cars. Nice schools. College education. Life was good.

And a huge majority of the population had the same lifestyle. The suburban sprawl took place, giving a newfound luxury to many people throughout our country. And not just our country, throughout the world. Those same values and trends have occurred everywhere, allowing the middle class lifestyle to filter out to many.

Living that lifestyle was great. But what was even more important is what came after.

Our parents didn’t plan for retirement – it was expected. Sure, they took advantage of stock option programs and retirement pension plans. But the company they worked for took care of them. They knew social security and their pension would be there waiting for them from the moment they retired until the day they died.

Today that’s all gone. [Read more…]