Comments or No Comments – What Should You Do With Your Blog?

“What do comments really do for you? I have a blog but I’ve never allowed comments before. Should I let them go through so others can read them? Should I try and get people to write comments? Or should I forget it all together?”

Today’s websites are build on blogging platforms – 1 in 4 is now built on WordPress – simply because of the ease of creation and modification. Anyone can easily login to the backend at any time, and make changes, additions or deletions as long as you have Internet connection. That’s the one thing that people were craving for so long – the ability to handle their own content. And that’s what has brought on the popularity of WordPress.

Yet while WordPress does allow you to build a site and control it too, it also gives you one more thing: the base of your social media platform.

A blog gives you your online presence. But it also allows you to connect to all of your other social accounts in a variety of ways. Blogs are powerful because they give you an easy way to create and control your own content, and connect and share ideas with your readers as well.

When you blog regularly, you share your ideas with others. [Read more…]