How To Be Unique

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
~ Walt Disney

Have you ever thought about what it takes to be unique? We throw the word around all the time. You can hear it in many different advertising campaigns. When you’re out networking, people say they have a unique product or a unique idea. But do they really? What does it really take to be unique?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Unique means:

1. being the only one
2. being without a like or equal
3. unusual

And while it sounds easy to be unique, in fact it’s actually quite difficult. Each one of us was born unique. But something happened along the way. We were molded and shaped by the things around us – parents, peers, culture, school, society – creating who we are today.

You can’t be unique by heading out and copying everyone else. If you are using another photographer as a model, you’ll never be unique. Stating you’re a generalist – a wedding, baby, family, senior, commercial – photographer will lump you into the pile with everyone else.

But if you can’t use someone else as your role model, how do you do it? How do you create that new path for your business?

Remain True To Yourself

What makes you happy? What would you love doing more than anything else? Take that and create a path for your photography. If you really want to specialize in babies, don’t take on wedding just to pay the bills. It will take away from your true path. [Read more…]