7 Ways To Use iBooks For Your Photography Business

One of the newest products released from Apple is the new iBooks Author application. iBooks Author allows anyone to create beautiful multi-touch books for iPad. And its not just the “book” concept that makes this exciting. With iBooks, you can incorporate a whole lot more than text – galleries, video, interactive diagrams, 3D objects and more. Which means you can bring your entire business to life that we couldn’t even dream about a few short months ago.

When iPad was first released, I attended a workshop on how best to use iPad. And even though there were several experts from Apple doing the presentation, the one thing they left open was the true purpose of an iPad. While it was developed with specific things in mind, the “brains” behind the iPad also knew that they really had no idea what direction iPad would take. With collective minds from all over the world developing apps to run on an iPad, the future is being rewritten every single day.

Start by taking a tour of the iBooks Author platform.

In many ways we are seeing that today as a consumer-driven iPad is quickly moving into the business space. Businesses and photographers are using it for everything from taking notes and communication platforms, to marketing and eventually replacing the need for hauling around heavy laptops.

With the release of iBooks Author, you can now take it one step further and incorporate a multimedia presentation into everything you do. Here are 7 ideas that will completely change the way you manage your business – and how people view you as a photographer and a business owner.

1. An interactive brochure

A brochure you can hand out is great. A brochure you can have people download to their iPad is revolutionary. Not only can you showcase your images in a unique way, you can also incorporate a viariety of other ideas into your brochures. How about a 2 minute interview with you? Or a video showing how you photograph at an event? If people can see what you do and learn from you, they are more likely to be inspired by you. [Read more…]