Portrait Professional – Another Way To Make Your Photographs Better

Anytime you take a close up image, it’s easy to find areas to change: soften a wrinkle, add a sparkle to the eyes, or remove traces of acne. While I’ve used Photoshop for years, I’ll be the first to admit I’m not an expert. I know the things to help my images become better – and, well, that’s about it.

If you’re trying to break into the photography business, learning all there is about the business and taking better photos is more than enough. So why not make your life a little easier, and use tools that can work for you – instead of making you spend hours in a training class?

Anthropics Technology’s Portrait Professional software makes the entire process easy. Instead of requiring you to understand and use an array of tools and filters to perform adjustments, it automates much of the process for you.



When you open up your photograph and launch the program, you are guided through each step. Start by choosing Male or Female to set the default facial adjustments for that gender. From there, select the five points on the face for eyes, nose and mouth. You can fine tune the points, and facial outline marks.

Once these adjustments are in place, the image is process in a matter of seconds. The photo is not over-retouched – just softened and reshaped to give you a much more pleasing portrait.

And if you still want further adjustment, you can alter each item individually to your liking. The more you learn, the more sophisticated you can take your retouching.

Portrait Professional comes in two versions – standard and studio. By upgrading to the studio version, you will have additional support for RAW images up to 16 bits per color and professional quality image color calibration.

You can download a free trial to give it a whirl. Right now you can save $30 and buy Portrait Professional 9 for $69.95. Or save $50 off the Portrait Professional Studio 9 for $99.95.

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clientexperience@todaysgrowthconsultant.com' About Virtual Photography

We're the co-founders of VirtualPhotographyStudio.com and have been writing on this blog since 2004. We started Virtual as a way to help photographers stretch beyond a part time income, and develop strategies to become a Five Figure Photographer or a Six Figure Photographer. Ultimately its all about lifestyle, and if your goal is to live as a photographer 24/7, we think you should have the knowledge and the tools to do so. Welcome!