Photographers Adobe Photoshop Keyboard shortcuts list

Every photographer wants to become faster and more efficient at handling digital files in Adobe Photoshop. From a seasoned wedding photographer to someone just opening his or her photography business, we all want to get it done quickly. Here is a list of Adobe Photoshop Keyboard shortcuts list:

 Tools   Shortcut
 Rectangular Marquee Tool   M
 Elliptical Marquee Tool   M
 Single Row Marquee Tool    
 Single Column Marquee Tool    
 Move Tool   V
 Lasso Tool   L
 Polygonal Lasso Tool   L
 Magnetic Lasso Tool   L
 Magic Wand Tool   W
 Crop Tool   C
 Slice Tool   K
 Slice Select Tool   K
 Healing Brush Tool   J
 Patch Tool   J
 Color Replacement Tool   J
 Brush Tool   B
 Pencil Tool   B
 Clone Stamp Tool   S
 Pattern Stamp Tool   S
 History Brush Tool   Y
 Art History Brush   Y
 Eraser Tool   E
 Background Eraser Tool   E
 Magic Eraser Tool   E
 Gradient Tool   G
 Paint Bucket Tool   G
 Blur Tool   R
 Sharpen Tool   R
 Smudge Tool   R
 Dodge Tool   O
 Burn Tool   O
 Sponge Tool   O
 Path Selection Tool   A
 Direct Selection Tool   A
 Horizontal Type Tool   T
 Vertical Type Tool   T
 Horizontal Type Mask Tool   T
 Vertical Type Mask Tool   T
 Pen Tool   P
 Freeform Pen Tool   P
 Add Anchor Point Tool    
 Delete Anchor Point Tool    
 Convert Point Tool    
 Rectangle Tool   U
 Rounded Rectangle Tool   U
 Ellipse Tool   U
 Polygon Tool   U
 Line Tool   U
 Custom Shape Tool   U
 Notes Tool   N
 Audio Annotation Tool   N
 Eyedropper Tool   I
 Color Sampler Tool   I
 Measure Tool   I
 Hand Tool   H
 Zoom Tool   Z
 Default Foreground/Background Colors   D
 Switch Foreground/Background Colors   X
 Toggle Standard/Quick Mask Modes   Q
 Toggle Screen Modes   F
 Toggle Preserve Transparency   /
 Decrease Brush Size   [
 Increase Brush Size   ]
 Decrease Brush Hardness   {
 Increase Brush Hardness   }
 Previous Brush   ,
 Next Brush   .
 First Brush   <
 Last Brush   >
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We're the co-founders of and have been writing on this blog since 2004. We started Virtual as a way to help photographers stretch beyond a part time income, and develop strategies to become a Five Figure Photographer or a Six Figure Photographer. Ultimately its all about lifestyle, and if your goal is to live as a photographer 24/7, we think you should have the knowledge and the tools to do so. Welcome!