Learn Photography Marketing Strategies

You’re a photographer and you know you need to learn photography marketing strategies that will help your business. But there are so many places to go; so many different ideas out there. What do you do? Who do you trust?

When we were first starting out in the photography business, we fell into the Over-Abundance problem. Over-Abundance is where you have a ton of information presented to you by a variety of sources. You have so much information available, you don’t really know what to do, so you end up doing very little. And when we started out almost 20 years ago, we didn’t have the Internet to add to our problem. So I really sympathize with new business owners today!

Learn Photography Marketing Strategies 

The problem isn’t lack of information. The problem is too much information. So much so that you go into complete overwhelm, and as a result shut down and do very little with it. Even if you start out trying one thing, something else comes along that seems better, so you jump ship to try that out. And by jumping ship, you miss all the benefits of the first marketing strategy.

How can you solve that problem?

Choose a mentor you resonate well with
Realize there are a lot of people out there willing to help you. You may resonate with more than one. You may find one today, and find another a few weeks or months from now. While it is important to have a variety of mentors, don’t overwhelm yourself. Start by looking at several mentors. Choose one or two whom really speak to you. Make sure you learn more about them, and can actually see yourself in their position some day. If you can’t say, “I want to be like _____ someday” then move on to find a mentor you can say that about.

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